my old blog
Saturday, August 28, 2004
on the road again / detox
It's about noon Eastern time, and I am brewing a cup of joe for the long road ahead of me. I hope I don't get the shakes half way through from NOT drinking alcohol.

Vegas, of course, was awesome. Much of it was captured on video / digital cams, so you'll be seeing a bunch of that in the future. I had a good time hanging out with my nerd buddy, Courtney. Dude, what was up with those iPod speakers? Natalie & Richard are a hip couple. Josh C. is in-your-face with kindness. I love the guy, but a little to touchy-feely for me. Haha. Actually, Josh & I had a pretty good conversation get caught on tape, so I hope Jonas does it some justice. Strangely, my sisters were awesome. I only freaked out on them once. Matt Davis dropped in & I got him to add something important to his todo list: Start a blog.

Ahhh, speaking of blog starters, I pushed the idea into the heads of some O'Dell sisters last night. If my plan worked, we should be hearing from Robin every Saturday. Robin looks much healthier & happier since the last time I saw her at Marigold's wedding in Norleans. And Mandy is all grown up. Wow, this girl has some great illustration skills. Truely amazing. She has a site on Xanga somewhere, but I'll check it out before I post it, and hopefully convert her to soon.

I should leave now. Jeanette, you should try out this program called Pluck ( ). It'll let you know when someone has posted a new entry to their blog so you don't have to keep checking (and seeing Steve's poo bugs).

More later.
Wish me well on my journey home.

Sunday, August 22, 2004
made it
I drove into Tampa last night. It took me 7.5 hrs. The random 20 min TORRENTIAL downpours sucked big time. Gripping the wheel, and squinting to make out some lights in front of me while keeping it at least 70mph can be somewhat stressful.

Speaking of stress, my sister just called wondering what I'm still doing at her apt. I have to go now. She can get angry. This is the email I got from her when I woke up:

"Yo Cory, What up?? I am bored at work, nothing much to do today. By the way, my stomach is so upset, I feel like puking. I think it might have been the late night meal you cooked.

Do you want to be an nice chap and bring me lunch. i woulld like a sub sandwhich, perferably from publix. The ultimate on wheat bread sounds good. Also, with that you can get all the fixings on it except peppers and onions and oil and vinegar. You are such a pal. So why don't you come on over around 11:30am, doesn't that sound tremendous. There is coffee in the cabinet and creamer in the fridge, so help yourself. Unfortunately I don't have any breakfast food, so you can buy a sub for you too and you can eat with me. It will be great fun. Do you remeber where the hospital is?

(She leaves directions here)... Come on into the lab and look for a sign that says Transfusion Services that is where I will be, it is right when you come into the lab. I will call you in a little while.

Thursday, August 19, 2004
lesser known Hudson quotes
You may be familiar with the movie Aliens, and if you've seen it, then you should know that Hudson (played by Bill Paxton) is my favorite "freak-out" character of all time.

If you've ever talked with peoople about him in that movie, you've probably heard someone repeat his more popular lines. Like when their transport crashes and he says, "Game over, man. Game over!" Or when Ripley tells him that Newt survived for months without weapons, and he cries, "Whydontchujust put her in charge!?"

Tonight, I watched a bad VHS copy of the movie (only to find out AFTER it was over that TNT was playin it twice in a row starting at 7pm in what seemed like some new crystal clear vision compared to the condition of the version we saw).

Well, he says other things that make me laugh. I'm not sure what it is, but I crack up when I hear him. It's mostly because of his inflection. Mostly. So here are the lesser known Hudson quotes, but you have to try and mimick his half-whine, half-laugh voice if you read them out loud:

After Bishop gets done using his hand in The Knife Scene:
"That wasn't funny, man!"

After he realizes they are in serious trouble:
"Dear Lord Jesus, this ain't happening."

After someone says something positive to boost morale:
"Maybe you haven't been keeping up with current events, but we just got our asses kicked, man!"

After their transport crashes:
"Oh, that's just fucking great! We're in some pretty shit now!"

Someone let's it known that a rescue team won't arrive for another 17 days:
"17 days!? I don't mean to rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last 17 hours!"

They look at him when they are trying to figure out who should crawl underground to pilot the 2nd transport via remote control:
"Yeah, right! With those things running around?! You can count me out!"

When Bishop volunteers, Hudson is very enthusiastic:
"Yeah! Bishop should go! Good idea!"

After this, they pretty much get Hudson to stop being such a cry baby and he even starts to toughin up, until he is ultimately dragged down by the monsters into the ground. I think he goes out heroically guns blasting.

One of his last good spoken lines was when they found out Burke threw the face grabbers in the room to impregnate Ripley and Newt. He shoves a gun in his face: "You're dogmeat, pal!"
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
interface seduction
I am hardly impressed at the speed in which this template updates. I already made like 10 changes a half hour ago, Blogger DOT com. God!

In other news... I just watched Reno911. I laughed. And then I sneezed.

I think I will make this my NON thinking blog. That'll be cool.
Even LESS thinking then before!
SO Awesome...

You know what's funny?
My hair. It's all gone.
Gah, I'm so stuPID!

That whole NEXT BLOG button is cool. I already found some funny blogs to read. But every fourth one is in a different language. Can we get an ENGLISH filter here ppl? I swear. Isn't this company owned by Google? The soon to be most powerful company EVER. Let's go ppl, chop, chop. No Hablo Internationalia...

Damn, I feel like a sell-out programmer, starting & writing on this blogspot blog. Using the extremely luscious and easy-to-use interface like a whore. So many templates to choose from. No more top banners. So. hard. to resist... I feel so dirty. Courtney, I think you should give into the darkside. It's so easy.

But not easy enough.

I want one of those wireless chips in my head that'll let me THINK my blog onto the web.
oh yeah
guess what... I have a new and improved blog... who cares about all those years I wasted learning HTML.

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Location: Oakland, CA, United States


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