my old blog
very nice
We just got back from some Tai place... food soo good. Brian posted a link to this pic on his site. Watching it makes me feel like I do out here: interested & amazed.
silverlake, CA
We got in Monday morning. Apparently we brought the rain. I am just now getting used to Paul's computer otherwise I would have posted already. Pictures galore. I am listening to John Lennon's "Imagine" covered by A Perfect Circle. Paul's favorite band is Tool. They flew out last night. So the house is all mine. Los Angeles is fucking awesome. America! Fuck Yeah! Natalie just sniffed my right ear. It was not effected by the change in air pressure on the flight out. I have already adobted a new goal in my head to drive my mental energy and accomplish something substantial. We are going to eat lunch at some place called Mornings Nights. Natalie is soooo far, not close to anything resembling an Enless Need Machine.
There's this one asshole that comes into the bar when I work. He's annoying and he demands all my attention. He's told me this joke twice, so I'm guessing it's his favorite:
What's the difference between a toilet and a bartender?
The toilet only has to put up with one asshole at a time.
And then he laughs his wheezy laugh and goes back to being an asshole.
vp debate
"The Republican Party is the party of nostalgia. It seeks to return America to a simpler, more innocent and moral past that never really existed. The Democrats are utopians. They seek to create an America so fair and non-judgmental that life becomes an unbearable series of apologies. Together, the two parties function like giant down comforters, allowing the candidates to disappear into the enveloping softness, protecting them from exposure to the harsh weather of independent thought." - America (The Book)
That said, what an interesting punch-out fest they had tonight. I enjoyed it. Visually, it looked like Darth Vader without his helmet was sitting down with his son, Luke Skywalker disagreeing about the way The Force should be used.
To me, Edwards came off as a likeable lawyer-type (a little eager), and Cheney seemed rather calm and in control. I was kind of nervous though. I thought, at any moment, he was gonna reach over, grab a clump of Edwards hair, and just chop him in the throat. That would have been sweet.
Also, it was very nice of Edwards to mention how happy he is that Cheney loves his gay daughter. Such a kind man, that Edwards. Cheney seemed REEAAALLL happy about that... you could almost see in his eyes the fantasy he was having about drop kicking Edwards right through that table. Honestly though, I learned more about the issues and driving force behind both parties with these two then I did with the presidential contenders.
For instance, Edwards' wife came on stage at the end, and Oh My Companion Christ, she's friggin huge! It's probably not her fault though. God, why am I such an asshole?
"mexed missages"
I've been doing a lot of passive watching & listening lately. Movies, DVDs & music... taking in a bunch. 5 days after Ivan, I started serving & bartending back at Ruby Tuesday and that placed has been slammed every since. Many people lost a bunch and apparently have nowhere else to go at night. The money, for me, has been really good, so I'm not complaining. It will help me achieve my goals faster then I planned, but it damn sure is an exhausting way to make cash. Draining... mentally & physically.
Taking it all in has helped me wind down from work. Hopefully, when my head clears from the mush that is left of it after a week of serving, I'll be able to comment on some of the media I've been enjoying. For now, I just want blog about the debate.
If you watched it, there isn't much to say besides how tough it is gonna be for the Reps to make a positive spin of it all. It was funny watching Rudolph Giuliani go on afterwards about how this debate seemed to point in favor of Bush, Master of Question Avoidance.
During The Daily Show's coverage, Stewart usually would have an easy time making fun of both candidates, but tonight he actually seemed impressed with the directness of Kerry's answers and was quiet about him, which was cool.
Natalie believes that Bush is still going to appeal to the everyman because of his charisma, and I agree, BUT this is the first time since the race began that I think Kerry is closer to winnning.