Saturday, June 04, 2005
Oh no... don't get your hopes up on that. I inserted those manually into my template just to see how it would look. They'll be no way for me to keep that updated unless I can figure out some sort of script that'll point to where I have my comments hosted on blogspot.
Just another example of Cory being afraid of Technology and progress.
They are making it harder for you to write checks now, becuase it costs the companies more money to actually process the check. Don't be afraid, embrace.
I do the same thing Cory. But then the post office loses the mail, and I think maybe I should pay everything online. But then I can't remember any of the passwords or usernames and am locked out of the website. So I continue being old school.
I agree passwords are a problem, but to think it is any safer is just wrong. More Identity theft and stolen credit cards are done to people who don't even use the internet.
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